Monday, October 18, 2010

Pueblo de Oro Golf Estates which is cluster concept


Legend has it that Cagayan de Oro was once a land whose rivers shimmered with gold. From this mythical land rises the Pueblo de Oro Township, a 360-hectare masterplanned community in the City of Golden Friendship.Please click the link below;
 Imagine a picture perfect view of the golf course... and it's just outside your window. Or a golden sun setting over the valley below. This is Pueblo de Oro as it rises to be the land of gold. By providing families with a complete and happy life, Pueblo de Oro glows with the promise of a future golden and precious as the sun.

Pueblo de Oro is everything you expected in a Township and more. The residential subdivisions offer a wide array of living preferences. Nearby are a commercial center, business and I.T. park, institutional facilities such as a church and top schools, a golf and country club, hotel, and gasoline station. A 24-hour security system is provided for your utmost safety. With everything nearby, living has never been.